Find Unknown Caller with Photo and Prank Them Back

Are you facing problems due to unknown calls? Well, that is a common problem in this society today. We see many people try doing some mischievous pranks on others using a new or unknown number and at the same time we also see how some try to misbehave by calling someone they totally don't know and create problems to the other person.

These types of behaviors have now become a trend that they continue doing it without a break. We have already seen on how to find out the unknown callers using the app 'Eyecon'. Let me give you a brief explanation on the app eyecon which will reveal us the name and the picture of the unknown caller. All we have to do is type in the phone number and then the app will automatically detect the number and provide the name and the profile picture that they have used in their social media profile. By the help of the app eyecon we will know who is the person that is troubling us repeatedly.

But if you are someone who is looking for something extra, then you are at the right place. There is definitely a smart way to prank the unknown caller back. Wondering what or how it is? Come let me tell you. After finding the unknown caller's name, Eyecon app will show you an option to call the particular number through another third party application named 'magiccall'. You can use this feature instead of the default dialer from the mobile to call the anonymous caller.

Magiccall; this is an application which will allow you to call anyone using different voices. Thereby when you call the particular person back, they will not be able to recognize your voice and this will turn out to be fun. As now you can take as much as your time to turn back the coin to the person who was pranking you by continuous calls. Doesn't this sounds amazing? Following the steps will not only give you a way to find out who the person is by providing you the name and the picture of the caller, but also now let you tease them back and teach them a lesson too. Come let us now take a look at how to do this in a step by step guide.

Find Unknown Caller and Prank Them Back

You have to get the app named 'Eyecon' and 'Magiccall' directly from google playstore to your android smartphone or tablet.

Let's move on to know how to figure out the anonymous caller with their photo and prank them back using different voices through voice call.

Firstly start the app in your phone and create your account using your mobile number. Once your mobile number is validated, you will be able to create your profile with the necessary details.

Now you should go to 'home' tab from the main interface of the app and click on 'name or number' button which will allow you to find any unknown caller details.

Next, type the anonymous phone number in the search tab and click on search. Please make sure to type the mobile number along with the country code.

Boom! Here you are.. the anonymous caller's details including their social account profile picture will be shown.

Now you should click on 'call' icon which is available on the bottom right corner from the appearing interface and it will show you magiccall dialer to call them and prank with different voices.

Click on 'magiccall' and it will take you to magiccall application. Thereafter you can select any of listed voice and call them to prank back.

That's it, now we have gone through an interesting guide to find the unknown caller details and prank them back with different voices in voice call. So you can download the eyecon app and magiccall app directly from google playstore to your android smartphone using the following links.

Eyecon for android
Magiccall for android

Thereby now you will not have to worry about unknown calls or prank calls, as you can easily find out the caller with his/her picture and at the same time can prank them back with different voices to annoy them as much as they did annoy you. I hope this would be helpful and an interesting app for all the android users.
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